Yes, it’s true that Tri-City Film covers the local indie film scene in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge area of Southern Ontario. What isn’t as obvious is that they go beyond their titular borders covering Guelph, and even… (gasp) Toronto! [more on that later]
In fact, as site creator and lead scribe David Briggs points out:
“The point of Tri-City Film is to help connect people interested in local film to what local filmmakers are doing. Anyone producing film in and around these cities is encouraged to contact us and keep in touch. If someone is working on something great, or is putting together a festival or compilation that may be of interest to Tri-City Film readers, then we will certainly cover it.”
The web site is a focal point for local and related indie filmmakers and film fans.
David accepts ideas and submissions for articles, interviews, photos, casting calls, crew postings, film festivals, and “other works that would jazz up the site”. If you’re a creative indie filmmaker here’s your showcase shot.
So, if you’ve got something indie going on, get it on Tri-City Film and see what can happen.
And, while you’re visiting the site, feast your squinties on the interview with yours cruelly [this is the Toronto connection cunningly mentioned earlier]. I hear that David transcribed our recorded interview in vampire blood. Cool. Enjoy.
And keep supporting indie filmmaking – wherever it may be.
Tri-City Film
AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tri-City Film Info & Interview
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Gruesome Hertzogg Lovingly Dissects AAAAAH!!
I'll keep this brief, because that's what podcaster & film reviewer Gruesome Hertzogg would do.
Instead of posting bloated podcasts full of ego puffery and mindless chatter he posts thumbnail reviews of horror films. He gives you the skinny on a film and a qualified rating out of 10. You get in, get informed, and get out.
So, I was flattered when he offered to review the films of "AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits" volumes 1 & 2 one by one. Do they live up to their claim of "All Killer - No Filler". Check out what Gruesome Hertzogg has to say about each film. You can hear his podcasts on Blogger and on iTunes, and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and IMDB.
Can't wait for the chance to do a long interview, which he also does with horror actors and filmmakers.
Short or long, he's not shy about telling you what he likes. And I feel like Sally Field gushing at the Oscars, "You like me. You really like me."
Fill yer boots and your horror-loving ears...
Gruesome Hertzogg's Podcast
AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits