Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cannibal Cam's Review & Exposé

At last summer's FanExpo we had the distinct displeasure of having our booth in too-near proximity to a loudmouthed schnook with a mini-bullhorn. Prolonged exposure can drive you to coldblooded, broad daylight, I-don't-care-if-the-security-camera-is-recording-in-high-def murder.

Fortunately, on the other side of the aisle was another fellow with a mini-bullhorn. He was quite personable and entertaining as he lured, cajoled, and threatened people to come meet George Romero's Zombie Nurse. His name is Cannibal Cam. We liked CC. We liked him even more when CC agreed to hold down the loudmouthed schnook while I introduced the mini-bullhorn into a conspicuously inconspicuous orifice on the schnook's person.

Between the waves of crazed and glazed conventioneers we got to talking. CC & I had been Facebook friends for a while, but had never met face to face.

Long story short: CC invited me to do a three-way interview with the friendly Zombie Nurse, and then I slipped him some DVDs to review. CC didn't flinch.

And here's his refreshingly honest posted review. CC begins talking about "AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits" at the 1:15 mark.

Enjoy. Then catch his other reviews. CC knows his stuff and ain't afraid to tell you about it.

LINKS: Stupid New Reviews Video